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The European Leg of the Tour - Part 1

Went up to see Tay, did what we do best - bit of geeking (fucking around trying to make technology work) - after a slightly longer period than it should have taken us, straight on to the main agenda.... Playing Games..... stuck £25 in the kitty and hit the poker rooms - Tay being Tay, all aggressive trying to bully the other players into giving us their cash, works really well when interspersed with my more analytical approach - we started to clean up!!! Bargain 24 hours later were up by about $20 time for one more tournament.....In other words time to loose that $20 that we're up :-) ah well walked away even having played for ages without loosing our original stake, can't complain about that really

A quick visit back to the flat, just enough time to move all my stuff out to either the YMCA or toMum'ss - something I have come to realise that I'm not very good at; sorting out what I need to keep / should get rid of - I just know there is a box somewhere atMum'ss that has got a load of junk in - actually thinking about it, most of the boxes atMum'ss are filled with junk I will never need!
Was quite sad clearing the place out, started smoking again while I was doing this - had a final cigarette on the balcony, watched the sun set and composed myself. I'm gonna miss those sun sets - over the time I have lived there I must have taken about 300 photos, from various angles, of that sun set, and how many do you think have any merit at all????? Yeah 1, but it is damn good - so says me....
Bit of a scare during this week - the batmobile's clutch started slipping really badly - just what you want to see when you have a couple of thousand miles to do with it. Phoned my man at the garage - says he can just squeeze it in before I need to leave onFridayy evening. Not convinced he's ever changed a clutch before - this was his second attempt on this one and it's still not right! Whether it's perfect or not is now irrelevant - got my around the place, even if it does sound likethere'ss some sort of streetsweeper installing in the gearbox now.

Dorset - Charleton Horethorne
After picking up the car avec new clutch, sped west along the coast to see my Aunt Di. Love going there, she lives in a wicked old higledy pigldy (spelling never was one of my strong points and this isn't in any dictionary I can find!) house with Terence her husband and two cool as funk dogs (Barnaby - golden retriever & Tess a chocolate lab). It's always so relaxing there, you can forget about nearly everything as soon as the first Gin & Tonic arrives at the lips.

Cornwall - Newquay
Couple of hours in the car and I arrive at Newquay. I have been meaning to come and see Ginnie here a number of years now, just never quite happened, but I eventually managed it, even if it was only a few weeks before I'm due to leave the country. Ginnie is my Dad's god daughter, well in theory was, I believe that the responsibilities of that are finished at the age of 18, but no matter!! She's into her rowing, not in what I have been used to seeing people row in, but in the old Cornish style boats called Gigs, much more hardcore as they do it on the sea, in I believe quite big waves at times. There was a cool picture (admittedly not very flattering of Ginnie!) on the front cover of Cornwall Today, I managed to get hold of a copy, but think it has been recycled now, shame I didn't get a copy of it would have looked good on here! Went out for a really nice meal and a chat before it was time for bed inpreparation of the big drive ahead the next day, all the way up to Southport about 350 miless, ready to fly to Portugal with Dad and Pam.